All tagged Barnaby Rea

La Boheme – Puccini – ENO – Alexandra Palace Drive-In

Oh Sceptical Me. With my holier than thou values of opera viewing, going to see a drive-in opera left me foreshadowing a car crash of immense proportions. If this is what I was expecting then I was sorely disappointed. It turned out to be a fabulous night. ENO’s immensely talented Casting Director Michelle Williams had put together two mainly home grown, but exciting casts over nine nights.

Rigoletto at the English National Opera

An old friend is back.  To see Jonathan Miller’s Rigoletto return to the stage was a great comfort.  It has been intelligently revived by Elaine Tyler-Hall and the sets (particularly the art deco at the beginning of Act I and in Act II) as well as the bar scene in Act III are clear, precise and still very relevant today.