La Boheme – Puccini – ENO – Alexandra Palace Drive-In

Oh Sceptical Me. With my holier than thou values of opera viewing, going to see a drive-in opera left me foreshadowing a car crash of immense proportions. If this is what I was expecting then I was sorely disappointed. It turned out to be a fabulous night. ENO’s immensely talented Casting Director Michelle Williams had put together two mainly home grown, but exciting casts over nine nights.

Madama Butterfly – Puccini – Puccini Festival Torre del Lago

Covid-19 had ravaged this part of Italy, including the Puccini Festival in Torre del Lago, but with typical Italian character and guile a reduced Festival starting in August has been possible, albeit at less than 40% capacity with constant Covid testing of artists and all involved. By using a more local fully Italian cast the Festival made it work and put on a real show. It is of course easier to downsize audience when you have nearly 3,500 seats to play with and a beautiful outdoor arena on the lake! Nevertheless there was a large number of medical staff available, temperatures were taken when you entered the grounds and masks were worn. Perhaps this was the first real Corona-Puccini Festival!

Elektra –Strauss – Salzburg Festspiele 2020

Probably the hottest opera ticket was the opening night of a reduced Salzburg Festival in its hundredth year anniversary. A few months ago it was almost inconceivable that there would be any festival at all in August, but as a result of continual Covid testing amongst artists, orchestra and theatre employees, together with proper zoning and social distancing, the first operatic notes were played, sung and streamed simultaneously to the pleasure of all present.

I have a list of approximately 20 opera scenes & arias that are amongst my favourites in the operatic repertoire. For my audience purpose, I have taken this list from YouTube, so not all my favourite recordings are in the list, but it is an extraordinary list with extraordinary singers and musicians and I hope you can take as much enjoyment from this group as I have in compiling them. I am dividing my list into groups of approximately six over the next few weeks to give you between 30 and 45 minutes of musical relaxation. Enjoy!